Did you know that Rufous Hummingbirds are VERY rare to see in Michigan? They normally do not routinely travel here, so I was extremely lucky to observe one! Maybe this one got lost during migration?! Thanks to the kind homeowner, Todd that allowed photographers to go on his property and take photos of this major event!

October 17, 2022 I learned from a few Birder Friends of mine that we have a Rufous Hummingbird in Michigan.  I kept going back and forth to go or not to go. The chances of seeing it would be rare.  I took the chance and felt blessed I was one of the few that saw her and was able to get a few shots of her!

October 18, Thursday, a Birder from one of the Birding Organizations came out and confirmed the sex and the type of  hummingbird she was.  He also tagged her.  This was exciting news to those of us that was waiting to hear more information about her in a chat forum I am part of.

The most popular and most likely the only type you will ever see in Michigan is the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. For me, all I ever saw were the female Ruby-throated Hummingbird (last photo below). I hope one day to photograph the male. The male Ruby-throated Hummingbird has a bright red throat and a black chin and iridescent green mask that extends behind the eyes.  Once it gets cold out (they visit us in the summer only), these hummingbirds migrate to Mexico.  Here is something to think about when we are lacking energy or inspiration…. These tiny little birds must make this incredibly long journey in a single flight, as there is nowhere to stop and rest…

Getting back to the Rufous Hummingbird, they make the longest migration journey of any other hummingbird in the United States, potentially taking a trip of over 2,000 miles, crossing mountain forests and ranges as high as 12,600 feet*.

*Google Research